Danni Fischer

Danni Fischer brings a unique blend of expertise and passion to her role as the Managing Partner at AIM INC. A proud resident of Enumclaw, Danni recently tied the knot with her loving husband Alec, and they share their home with their beloved dog, Max.

Beyond her dedication to ensuring the seamless operations of AIM INC, Danni has a zest for life that extends beyond the office walls. She enjoys quality time with friends, often found savoring the finest Bordeaux wines at her favorite local haunt, the Bordeaux Wine Bar.

With her commitment to excellence, both professionally and personally, Danni embodies the spirit of AIM INC – a team that thrives on precision, personal connections, and a shared love for the Enumclaw community. When you work with AIM INC, you're not just working with experts; you're partnering with individuals like Danni, who bring a genuine passion for what they do, both in and out of the office.